Past president Gina West presides over Annual Meeting Nov. 21, 2002

Sarah Ekstrand and artist
James Bearden prepare Metro Arts booth
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Metro Arts board members and guests Annual Meeting Nov. 21, 2002
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The arts are for everyone. When we each play our part, the arts thrive and the cultural and educational life of greater Des Moines is invigorated.
As a private, non-profit arts organization, Metro Arts exists because of the support of corporations, individuals and families, artists and cultural agencies. Your membership truly makes a difference in our community.
- It ensures that the arts are alive and accessible in Des Moines.
- It allows more children and adults to experience art programs, educational opportunities and cultural events.
- It strengthens our community through expanded cultural opportunities.
Levels of Membership
| Individual memberships | |
Corporate memberships |
Leader $1,000+
Benefactor $500+
Builder $250+
Sponsor $100+
Patron $50+
Friend/Artist $35+
Student/Senior $15+
Keystone $5,000+
Pacesetter $2,500+
Sustainer $1,000+
Supporter $500+
Advocate $250+
Contributor $100+
Call (515) 280-3222 for more information on Corporate and Cultural Organization memberships.
Some benefits of Membership
- Subscription to ARTifacts and calendar of cultural events
- Patron members also receive monthly discounts
- Sponsor members and above also receive limited edition posters or signed prints
Limited edition prints available
at Sponsor membership level and above |
by Jan Shotwell
18" x 26" |
Little Sail Gems,
by Gene Hamilton
11" x 8.5" |
You may join and/or make a donation to Metro Arts either by completing a donor form and mailing it to our office, or by giving online through NetWorkforGood.org. Just like a standard donation, Metro Arts receives 100% of your contribution when using NetWorkforGood.org.
Please print these instructions out before you click on the Donate Now button.
This page will remain open underneath the new window which the button opens.
- Print out these instructions.
- Click on the Donate Now button below.
- On the new page which opens you should see a large button that says, "Donate now." Click the button.
- You should now be on the donation page. Fill out the form provided with all of your donation information. Use whole dollars when you type in the amount. Be sure to fill in each line completely. Select the type of credit card you are using and type in the card number. Type in the expiration date. Click the "Continue" button.
- Review the information on the screen. Be sure that it reflects accurately the donation you intended to make. If everything matches up, click the blue button that says "Complete Donation."
- Review the receipt that NetWorkForGood provides. Print it out. This is your receipt for tax purposes.